About Me

Welcome to my page. I am from Montegut, Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish, South of Houma and about 50 miles Southwest from New Orleans.

I wanted to be a photographer from a young age but unlike most it did not start from the love of the camera. It started with a simple baseball card and then the wonderful photos of Sports Illustrated. 

I started to seriously pursue photography in High School Multi Media class in 1998-1999. In 2004 I finished my diploma through the New York Institute of Photography.

The styles I enjoy most can be summed up from these two quotes. The great photographer Robert Frank says "Black and white are the colors of photography." Robert Capa once said, “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.”

I also love history especially the history of photography. I love looking back at old family photos especially of those of my grandparents,

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